hello everyone ,
can we display a line chart as one the column of dhtmlxgrid ?
for eg each row in the grid displays information about student progress where one of the column should display the data in line chart format…
pls help me if anyone knows…
Could you provide us an image with desirable result?
sorry i dont have ,but u can understand from what i told right …
i am planning to do something similar to what i have told
i will try and put one
If you mean something like on the picture
You can do this with htmlx: just add to the cell simple div to build there chat. But insistently we don’t recommend to do this because it will hang up all your application.
yes something similar to the one u showed …can pls tell bit more in details…
i am planning to put a line chart instead of that one …
could share a example so that it will be useful for me
If you need demo sample, please create a ticket in dhtmlx support system.
sorry to say this i am just using the standard edition of dhtmlxSuite.so i dont think i can raise a request for this .
atleast is there upon clicking of the grid s cell can i get a pop-up window to which i am planning to attach the chart into it…is this can be done …pls help…
thanks in advance
atleast is there upon clicking of the grid s cell can i get a pop-up window to which i am planning to attach the chart into it
It is best approach.
Here is a code sample how to attach popup to grid. Just use attachHTML() popup method to attach a div where you will build a chart based on the grid row.
function doOnLoad(){
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘gridbox’);
mygrid.attachEvent(“onRowSelect”, function(id,ind){
showPopup(mygrid.cells(id,ind).cell, id)
// mygrid.attachEvent(“onRowDblClicked”, function(rId,cInd){
// var clicked = mygrid.cells(rId, cInd).cell;
// showPopup(clicked, rId)
// });
function showPopup(inp, rId) {
myPop = new dhtmlXPopup();
myPop.attachHTML("You've clicked row with ID "+ rId);
var x = getAbsoluteLeft(inp);
var y = getAbsoluteTop(inp);
var w = inp.offsetWidth;
var h = inp.offsetHeight;
myPop.show(x, y, w, h);
}, 2000)