Adding custom type to event calendar


I have a requirement to add a popup control in my event calendar editor
but there is no such type available
how can I create a custom type for popup and add new control to editor?


Unfortunately, currently there is no built-in option to set a custom type control.
Do you have any kind of sketch or mockup of the control you need to add?
I can pass it on to the dev team. No promises that such control will be implemented, but having these details will help us to decide on new features


It is possible to configure a custom popup using a template. Refer to the following documentation for details: templates Config | DHTMLX Event Calendar Docs . Additionally, you can find an example here: DHTMLX - Event Calendar. Custom templates.

To add a new control to the editing form, you need to configure the editorShape parameter:

const editorShape = [ 
    { // add custom radio field
        type: "radio",
        key: "priority",
        label: "Priority",
        options: priorities

new eventCalendar.EventCalendar("#root", {

For more information, refer to the editorShape Config | DHTMLX Event Calendar Docs documentation.

Here is an example: DHTMLX - Event calendar. Custom editor fields