Adding new items to the lightbox form hides default items.

I am using MVC4 and Razor and the recurring examples and these seem to work fine. However when I add new items I want to appear in the lightbox - for example a dropdown, then the event description box and the recurring section disappears… any help would be appreciated.

Code I’m using:

        public ActionResult Index()
            //var data = new SampleDataContext();
            var scheduler = new DHXScheduler(this); //initializes dhtmlxScheduler

            var select = new LightboxSelect("textColor", "Priority");
            var items = new List<object>(){
                new { key = "gray", label = "Low" },
                new { key = "blue", label = "Medium" },
                new { key = "red", label = "High" }

            scheduler.LoadData = true;// allows loading data
            scheduler.EnableDataprocessor = true;// enables DataProcessor in order to enable implementation CRUD operations
            return View(scheduler);

this is a default behavior, you’ll need to add controls manually in case you specify a custom set