Additional views in tab bar

I am setting up a calendar using the .NET control and have removed the default views. Is there a way to get the TimeLine tab in the tab bar to shift to the left? Also, if I add the agenda view is there a way to group the tabs together like the day, week and month default view tabs are?

you can disable auto-aligning of the tabs with this config: … b_position

scheduler.Config.fix_tab_position = false;

After that you can set position of the buttons manually:
For example:for (var i = 0; i < scheduler.Views.Count; i++) { scheduler.Views[i].TabPosition = 15 + i*90; scheduler.Views[i].TabClass = "dhx_cal_tab_standalone"; } scheduler.Config.fix_tab_position = false;

Note the “dhx_cal_tab_standalone” css class, it one of the default classes that can be used to style the segmented buttons. Basically it specifies border radius of the button:

“dhx_cal_tab_last” - makes the right border rounded
“dhx_cal_tab_first” - makes the left border rounded
“dhx_cal_tab_standalone” - makes the both borders rounded