Hello all!
Im working on an ASP.Net MVC application using the DHtmlxScheduler library.
From my database I have various working hours for items from the y_axis. After performing some logic in the controller and accessing these values in the view, I think my format for some of these values are incorrect, thus they are not being read by the Scheduler API correctly.
code for addMarkedTimespans:
days: [1,2,3,4,5],
zones: [480, 1020],
type: "dhx_time_block",
css: "red_section",
html: "<div style='text-align: center; height: 44px;'> <b style='color=black; '> Blocked Hours </b> </div>",
sections: { timeline: "20602"}
any help will be tremendously appreciated!
images of the actual values located below: