addMarkedTimespan adding to unlisted sections.

Hello all!
I am currently having an issue with the addMarkedTimespan method within the DhtmlxScheduler.
I am working with an ASP.Net mvc application, in my app, I load some times periods from a Database and send them to my View Page, after going thorugh some formatting (removing quotes and whatnot) They finally get sent to a function which will apply them to the scheduler.

Within the database, I have daily working hours which are held within a Weekly Table.
These weekly tables are identified by Primary keys, and are assigned to the various “Engineers/Workers” for my application.

For testing purpose, only one employee has a different schedule from the rest.
thus, his “timespan” should appear different from everyone elses, but it seems that this is not the case!

my Scheduler timeline setup:

            name: "timeline",
            x_unit: "minute",
            x_step: 30,
            x_start: 16,
            x_date: "%H:%i",
            x_size: 24,
            x_length: 48,
            y_unit: engineers,
            event_dy: 'full',
            y_property: "engineer_id",
            render: "bar"

Code where the addMarkedTimespan is called:

        function timeRestrictions(week, optional, ids, key)

            //array to hold the float values for the week times.
            var floatArray = [];
            //aaray to hold the float values for the optional times
            var floatArray2 = [];

            for(var i = 0; i < week.length; i++)
                var num = week[i].replace('"', '');
                num = num.replace('"', '');

                floatArray[floatArray.length] = Number(num);

            for (var i = 0; i < optional.length; i++)
                var num = optional[i].replace('"', '');
                num = num.replace('"', '');

                floatArray2[floatArray2.length] = Number(num);

            var count1 = 1;
            var count2 = 1;

            for(var i = 0; i < floatArray.length; i = i+2)
                if(isNaN(floatArray[i]) || isNaN(floatArray[i+1]))

                if(floatArray2[i+1] != null && !isNaN(floatArray2[i+1]))
                    //alert("inisde if with ids: " + ids);
                        days: [count1],
                        zones: [floatArray[i] * 60, floatArray2[i+1] * 60],invert_zones: true,
                        type:  "dhx_time_block",
                        //css: "blue",
                        html: "<div style='background: blue; text-align: center; height: 48px;'> <b style='color=black; '> Blocked Hours </b> </div>",
                        engineer_id: { timeline: ids}

                    //alert("Inside else with ids: " + ids);
                        days: [count2],
                        zones: [floatArray[i] * 60, floatArray[i+1] * 60],invert_zones: true,
                        type:  "dhx_time_block",
                        css: "red",
                        html: "<div style='text-align: center; height: 44px;'> <b style='color=black; '> Blocked Hours </b> </div>",
                        engineer_id: { timeline: ids}

NOTE: only the first entry on the y-axis “Abel Toribo, ID: 20602” should have the blue timespan, where the rest of the engineers get the red timespan.
Within my function, “ids” only contains “20602” for the first 5 loops (one for every day of the week), and all post loops contain the rest of the ids.
This is the case, i have seen through test but cant add more then three attachments.

Thank you for your time!
It is GREATLY appreciated!
Images for reference:


scheduler.addMarkedTimespan({ days: [count2], zones: [floatArray[i] * 60, floatArray[i+1] * 60],invert_zones: true, type: "dhx_time_block", css: "red", html: "<div style='text-align: center; height: 44px;'> <b style='color=black; '> Blocked Hours </b> </div>", engineer_id: { timeline: ids} });The section must be specified in ‘sections’ property of the timespan config, ‘engineer_id’ will be ignored. Please check the example (see the commented part with marked timespans configs)

Still experiencing this issue, and would like some feedback when possible!

thanks enjoy the holidays!

when i change both the methods to use ‘sections’
i get nothing on the Scheduler!

please provide more details or give a link to the problematic page.

Note the demo from my previous post - addMarkedTimespan works as expected in a scheduler. So it’s not likely that the problem is caused by usage of ‘sections’ setting. Please check the browser console for error messages


thank you for the help, and the tip to change the property to “sections”

my issue was with the “ids” array holding the ID values for the sections, after formatting the array with some time, everything is managing to work!

Once again this forum and the support has come through, I appreciate all the time and efforts!
Thank You!