addMarkedTimespan not working correctly in timeline mode

I’m using the scheduler to show the company’s workers events.
I have two different views, unit view and timeline view. Each worker is a unit.

I need to mark their timetables, so I have added different marked zones.

days: [1,2,3,4,5],
sections: {unit:‘0001’, timeline:‘0001’},
invert_zones: true,
css: “my_css”
days: [1,2,3,4,5],
sections: {unit:‘0002’, timeline:‘0002’},
invert_zones: true,
css: “my_css”

and so on…

But I need to mark holidays … Then :

days: new Date(2016,2,3), // 3rd of March, thursday
css: “my_css”

That works correctly in unit view. I go day after day on scheduler and it’s ok.
But, in timeline view, it seems to work correctly until I visit the 3rd of March. That day is correctly marked, but then if I go to any Thursday, the scheduler doesn’t render the marked hours.

Is this a bug???

I’m not sure that i can confirm the issue.
Here is a quick demo based on your code:
I can see no changes after visiting 3rd March 2016. Can you modify a demo so it would show the issue, or maybe you could give step by step instruction on how to reproduce it?

Your example works correctly. I’ve added this part of the code, to apply the holiday days to all the workers, and it’s ok also.

days: new Date(2016,2,3), // 3rd of March, thursday
sections: {unit:[‘0001’,‘0002’], timeline:[‘1’,‘2’]},
css: “my_css”

I’m working with Treetimeline view… maybe that the difference?? I attached my code and three screenshots.

I use the function bloquear_festivos() to add markedtimspan…

1st step: 22Jan: Correct timetable displayed for Silvia M. (from 9 to 15);
2nd step: 15 Jan: Correct holiday day displayed for Silvia M.
3rd step: 22Jan: The markedtimespan has dissapear…

I’m not sure that i can reproduce it in Tree Timeline either
Note that you can modify this demo and generate a link to your version by pressing “Share” button at the top of the page


Trying this code

In web it Works correctly… but in my program it doesn’t…

I’m working with versión 4.3.16 and also with 4.3.1

In units view it doesn’t work, it’s marking all thursdays, as shown in image ‘Units’