Addmarktimespan Day Date range


I want to block / highlight calendar day’s according to my case

I want to block 2 or more different zones for different days under some date range…
i.e if i give it a start date as ( 2019-01-01 ) and end date as ( 2019-03-01 )
And day as Monday ( 1 )

So in output it should be like all the monday’s should be marked under given date ranges and given zones.

For now i was trying to do like this.

var opt = {
  start_date:new Date(2019,1,1),
  end_date:new Date(2019,3,1),
  zones: [60,120, 300,380, 450, 500]
  css: "color",
  type: "dhx_time_block"                                                      

How can i achieve this?

Waiting for anyone to reply Please.


You should specify either “start_date” with “end_date” or “days” property. Unfortunately, you can’t use them together.

To block 2 or more different zones for different days under some date range, you need to call addMarkedTimespan() several times with different settings.

Alright Thanks…