addTab method problem


I have button tittled ‘Add new tab at last position’ to add tab at last position of tabbar object,
when clicked to reach more than 17 tabs, the tabs missing but not for its contents.

Here’s the code :

[code]var myTabbar;

	function doOnLoad() {
		myTabbar = new dhtmlXTabBar("my_tabbar");
		myTabbar.addTab("a1", "Tab 1-1", null, null, true);
		myTabbar.addTab("a2", "Tab 1-2");
		myTabbar.addTab("a3", "Tab 1-3");
		myTabbar.addTab("a4", "Tab 1-4");
		myTabbar.addTab("a5", "Tab 1-5");
	var tabId = 1; tabIdd = 1;
	function add(pos) {
		var i = new Date().getTime();
		myTabbar.addTab(i, "MY-TAB "+tabId++, null, pos);
		myTabbar.tabs(i).attachHTMLString("MY-TAB "+tabIdd++);


I add line code :

the above screenshoot, i clicked ‘add button’ 16 times, and ‘MY-TAB 16’ missing not its content. But when tab ‘MY-tab 15’ closed then ‘MY-tab 16’ showed up.
Here’s the screenshot :

How to fix it, i have the same This Problem in my project.
Thank you.

What version do yo use?
This issue was fixed in the last build.

Hi Darya,

It’s working perfectly now, I Upadted To The Last Version.

Thank You Very Much for All :smiley:

You are welcome! :slight_smile: