Adjusting height of label control based on label content

How can I automatically adjust the height of a label control to display entire label content. I am looking for something like
{ view:“label”, label:“Some Text”, id:“label_1”, labelWidth:400, height:“auto”,align: “left”}

As the “some Text” changes the label height should adjust accordingly.

How can I automatically adjust the height of a label control to display entire label content.

There is not such an option. You will have to change height manually:


How do I know the height to set it to, since it depends upon the contents of label and can take one line or five lines?

There is not a built-in solution. However, if we talk about height increase, something like this can be used:

view : “label”,
on : {
onAfterRender : setLabelHeight


function setLabelHeight(){
var height = this.$view.scrollHeight;
dhx.delay( function(){
}, this )

This worked except that I change the onAfterRender to onchange event.