After switching from version 8.1.9 to 8.3.6 or later stopped working data.load(url,"xml")

After switching from version 8.1.9 to 8.3.6 or later stopped working data.load(url,“xml”).
For example:,“xml”)

url return this:

But method data.load() doesn’t load data.

We have to switch to json format, but this is a lot of extra work.


Thank you for your report.
The problem was confirmed. We’ll try to fix it in on of the future updates.
I’ll inform you about any progress on this issue.

Hello Denis,

we fixed your reported problem in the latest dhx.Suite update (v8.3.8)
You can check it in the following snippet:
Please, download the latest available dhx.Suite from your client’s area to get this fix.
Thank you for your report.

Best regards.