afterProcessing in Crossoption


I want update manually some field of my database but the event “afterProcessing” is fired before the funciton CrossOptionConnector.

My logs:

UPDATE crono_conferencistas SET rol_conf=‘Conferencista’ WHERE id_conf=‘1’ AND id_crono=‘24’

INSERT INTO crono_conferencistas(id_crono,id_conf) VALUES (‘24’,‘1’)

I want change the order INSERT first cotinue of my UPDATE

My code:

$confs = new CrossOptionsConnector($res, $dbtype);
	$confs->link->render_table("crono_conferencistas","id_crono", "id_crono,id_conf");

$scheduler = new SchedulerConnector($res, $dbtype);
$scheduler->set_options("conferencistas", $confs->options);

How I can change the order?

Try to use the afterUpdate event instead … event.html

This event occurs before afterProcessing, so it will be executed before CrossOptionsConnector logic.