I’m trying to perform an AJAX call to Soap process that returns XML data. I can make the call to the service and have verfied that the service is returning the correct response but when I try to access the data it is blank.
I have tried two different ways, which are listed below. In both cases I don’t get any response back.
First method
var response = dhx.ajax().sync().get("");
Second method
dhx.ajax("", function(text,xml,XmlHttpRequest){
There are several different variations of performing the AJAX call in the documentation, maybe I’m mixing up the variations.
Note sure if it matters or not, but this is what the reply message looks like.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SendEchoBackGetResponse xmlns="http://soap.com/service/echoback/">
<ebr_desc>GOOD REPLY + ECHO</ebr_desc>