I have experimented with the context menu available for right clicks and gotten it to work. Following shows a snippet:
var menu = new dhtmlXMenuObject("foo");
menu.attachEvent("onClick", function(){ console.log('onClick!');return true;});
menu.loadXMLString('<menu id="0"><item text="Red" img="red.gif" id="edit_Red"/><item text="Green" img="green.gif" id="edit_Green"/><item text="Blue" img="red.gif" id="edit_Blue"/><item text="Other..." img="" id="outher"><item text="Yellow" img="red.gif" id="edit_Yellow"/><item text="White" img="green.gif" id="edit_White"/></item></menu>');
GRIDNAME = new dhtmlXGridObject('GRIDNAME');
console.log('~~~doc ready -> menu:'); console.log(menu);
GRIDNAME.attachEvent('onRightClick', function(id, ind, ev) {
return true; // as example, though this actually calls a function
Sweet! Many smiles that it’s this easy to use and thank you!
However, my company wishes to enable the default browser behavior for right clicks. The ability to copy links, open links in new tabs, copy text, etc. is all crucial for our information needs within the tables produced via dhtmlxgrid.
I have not been able to find a way to do this and I have poured over the docs and forum looking for one; perhaps I am missing something simple so I thought I would ask a dumb question.
We use the Pro edition of grid. Is there a simple way to turn off the event capturing that seems to take place no matter what gets returned in onRightClick event? Is there some way to override the library’s effect and just let the browser do the work?