Android 2.3 and lower version updated data loading issue

How you call template code when user edit any event because it not calling selected_event in android 2.3

Below is the function which is not calling when i am edit event
scheduler.templates = {
selected_event: function (a) {

Please help. Its urgent.


it not calling selected_event in android 2.3

Are event details not displayed at all ? Or only customized template is not applied?

The default selected_event is defined in library. You can find its definition in debug version.

Its selected_event is not applying in android 2.3 and even other versions sometimes ,its not calling after edit event. This function will display updated data in preview but sometimes its display old data.

Any solution for this issue?

even other versions sometimes ,its not calling after edit event. This function will display updated data in preview but sometimes its display old data.

Please provide step-by-step instruction how to reproduce the problem with one of the samples from scheduler package.

Yes sometimes even in other latest version too ,its not working.

I am going to edit event and click on save, so after that it’s revert back on detail screen. Detail screen is not displaying updated data sometimes.

Could you please check why?


Unfortunately, we do not have 2.3 Android devices. However, we tested samples in 2.3 emulator and devices with latest Android version - the problem is not reproduced.

You wrote that the issue reproduced with the latest versions of Android… Could you please describe such a case - we will try to reproduce it in one of the samples from Scheduler package.

Its produced sometimes after editing or adding a new event.

We can not reproduce the problem - details view is always correct after editing.

But Scheduler does not show the detail view after adding a new event. It shows “Day”, “List” or “Month” view after you click save button.

Is there any way to get back to “Day”, “List” or “Month” view after you click save button in edit form?

You will have to redefine “save” a button:

// redefine button - set “customSave” id instead of “save”

scheduler.config.form_toolbar = [
{view:‘button’, inputWidth:scheduler.xy.icon_cancel, id:“cancel”,css:“cancel”,align:“left”,label:scheduler.locale.labels.icon_cancel},
{view:‘button’, inputWidth:scheduler.xy.icon_save, id:“customSave”,align:“right”,label:scheduler.locale.labels.icon_save}

view: “scheduler”,
id: “scheduler”
// set click handler the new button
var that = $$(“scheduler”);
var data = that.$$(“editForm”).getValues(); = dhx.uid();
} else {

Thanks,It’s working. :slight_smile: