Animate grouplist when paging button click & remove spacing

Hi All,

(1) I created a grouplist and populate the grouplist item using ajax. When the page is 1 the grouplist can animate from left to right and show records. However, when I try to populate page 2 data, it cann’t animate when showing the record. (P/S: this happen only during populating the data when pagination, the navigation between group items has animation)
May I know what I should add?

dhx.ajax().post("ServiceHandler.aspx?action=findStkBal&page=1", $$('SBform').getValues(), function(response){
						resultPage = 1;

function showResultGrouplist(response) {

	$$('grouplist_searchresult').parse(response, "xml");	
var appView = { id: 'app_view', view: 'layout', container:"appWin",
		rows: [
				{view:"toolbar", id:"top_toolbar",type:"MainBar",height:40, visibleBatch:"init", cols:[
							{view:"label", id:"top_label", label:"XPOS <sup class='tb_sup'>mobile</sup>", align:"center", batch:"init"},						
							{view:"button", width:85, label: 'Back', type:"prev", align:'left', click:"back_button_action", batch:"sub"},
							{view:"label", id:"sub_label", label:"POS <sup class='tb_sup'>mobile</sup>", align:"center", batch:"sub"},
							{width:85, batch:"sub"}
				{ view: 'multiview', type: 'wide',
					cells: [					
						{ view: 'layout', type: 'wide',
									view:"form", id:"loginform", css:"account",
										{ height:20, template:""},
										{ view:"imagebutton", label: '', src: 'imgs/xpos_logo.png', width:199, height:117, align:'center' },
										{ height:20, template:""},
										{ view:"label", label:"User ID",height:28,css:"top"},
										{ view:"input",  id:"userid",height:48,inputWidth:290,value: '123'},		
										{ view:"label", label:"Password",height:23},
										{ view:"input",type:"password", id:"password",height:48,inputWidth:290,value: '123'},
										{ height:20, template:""},
										{ view:"button", type:"round", label: 'Sign In', click:"login_user" },
										{ height:20, template:"<span class='app_version_label'>Version 1.1</span>"}
							], id: 'login_view' 		
						{ view: 'layout', type: 'wide',
							rows: [								
								{ view: 'form', id: 'SBform', scroll: true,
									elements: [
										{ view: 'label', label: 'Stock Balance Quantity', id: 'SB_lbl_title'},
										{ view: 'text', label: 'Search', value: '', labelPosition: 'left', labelWidth: '90', labelAlign: 'left', id: 'SB_Description', sameLine: 0, placeholder:" type description here"},
										{ view: 'richselect', label: 'Fr Branch', value: '', id: 'SB_cboFromBranch', labelWidth: '90', datatype: 'xml', url: 'ServiceHandler.aspx?action=branch'},
										{ view: 'richselect', label: 'To Branch', value: '', id: 'SB_cboToBranch', labelWidth: '90', datatype: 'xml', url: 'ServiceHandler.aspx?action=branch'},
										{ view: 'text', label: 'Fr Stock', value: '', labelPosition: 'left', labelWidth: '90', labelAlign: 'left', id: 'SB_FromStkCode', sameLine: 0},
										{ view: 'text', label: 'To Stock', value: '', labelPosition: 'left', labelWidth: '90', labelAlign: 'left', id: 'SB_ToStkCode', sameLine: 0},
										{ view:"button", type:"form", id:'SB_btnFind', label: 'Find', align:"center", inputWidth: 150, click:"find_stkbal_data" }
							], id: 'layout_stkbalmenu'
							view: 'layout', type: 'wide',
							rows: [		
									view:"grouplist", id:"grouplist_searchresult", url:"", datatype:"xml", select:true, css:"dhx_list_pos_item", padding: 0, type:{

								            templateItem: function(obj) {

                                                 //   return obj.from +"&nbsp;<img src='imgs/plane.png' style='vertical-align:middle'></img>&nbsp;"+;

												//return "<div class='dhx_day_title'>Test A</div><div style='margin:1px'><div class='dhx_event_time'>text2</div><div class='dhx_pos_text'>haha</div></div>";
												if(obj.tx == "SA")
													return "<div class='dhx_day_title'>" + obj.date1 + "</div><div class='dhx_event_time'>" + obj.time1 + 
														"</div><div class='dhx_pos_text_col1'>"+obj.mtext +
														"</div><div class='dhx_pos_text_col2'>"+obj.rtext+"</div>";
													return "<div class='dhx_day_title'>" + obj.date1 + "</div><div class='dhx_event_time'>" + obj.time1 + 
														"</div><div class='dhx_pos_text_left'>"+obj.title+"</div><div class='dhx_pos_text_middle'>"+obj.mtext+
														"</div><div class='dhx_pos_text_right'>"+obj.rtext+"</div>";

                                            templateGroup: function(obj) {


                                                    return "<div class='dhx_list_result_count'>"+(obj.$count-2)+"</div>"+"<div class='dhx_group_title'>"+obj.title+"</div>"+
														"<div class='dhx_group_subtitle'><sup class='tb_sup'>"+obj.subtitle+"</sup></div>";

                                                return obj.title;


                                            templateBack: function(obj) {

                                                var arrow = "<div class='dhx_arrow_icon'></div>";


                                                    var counter = "<div class='dhx_list_result_count back'>"+(obj.$count-2)+"</div>"+"<div class='dhx_group_title'>"+obj.title+"</div>"+
														"<div class='dhx_group_subtitle'><sup class='tb_sup'>"+obj.subtitle+"</sup></div>";

                                                    return arrow+counter;
                                                return arrow + obj.title;												

											padding: 0,
											height: 42

											{ view:"button", label:"-", width:50, click:'prevPage()'},
											{ view:"label",  label:"Page 1", id:"pagelabel", align:"center"},
											{ view:"button", label:"+", width:50, click:'nextPage()'},
							], id: 'layout_searchresult'						
					], id: 'app_multiview'

(2) May I know how to remove the spacing between the grouplist and button bar?

(3) When testing using actual iphone4 before placing the pagination bar, I notice that there are empty space below the grouplist which doesn’t happen in chrome browser, may I know what possible cause this?

		<div id="appWin" style='width:100%; height:100%;'>

Many thanks!

Currently the animation is possible only when view changed to the different view.
We will check how paging animation can be added in the next version.



view: 'layout', type: 'wide', rows: [ { view:"grouplist"


view: 'layout', type: 'line', rows: [ { view:"grouplist"


Are you using the next command before dhx.ui call?

Dear Stanislav,

  1. Yes, I have added the dhx.ui.fullScreen(); method. There empty space at the bottom still appear.
      <div id="appWin" style='width:100%; height:100%;'>

Unfortunately we cannot reproduce this issue locally. Can you please provide complete demo to reproduce this issue?

Problem with fullScreen mode was confirmed and fixed, we will add fix in the next build.
As fast solution just remove

in your config - in such case it will use document.body as top container and will size self correctly.