Arrg! Undefined index in base connector

Hi all,

Ive been trying to get some data from my db into a form im building, however when ever I try and do so I get the following error

“Notice: Undefined index: ids in C:\wamp\www\codebase\connector\form_connector.php on line 51”

I’ve followed the tutorial as close as I can but I keep getting the same error is it something to do with the fact that my pk field is not called id and is not auto update?

here is my form code:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="css/layout.css">
        <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="css/dhtmlx/dhtmlxform_dhx_skyblue.css">
        <script  type ="text/javascript" src="js/dhtmlx/dhtmlxcommon.js"></script>
        <script  type ="text/javascript" src="js/dhtmlx/dhtmlxform.js"></script>
        <script  type ="text/javascript" src="js/dhtmlx/dhtmlx.js"></script>
        <script  type ="text/javascript" src="js/dhtmlx/dhtmlxdataprocessor.js"></script>
        <script  type ="text/javascript" src="js/dhtmlx/connector.js"></script>
        <script  type ="text/javascript" src="js/dhtmlx/dhtmlxform.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/dhtmlx/datastore.js"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript"> function onLoad(){

            formData = [
                {type: "input", name:"SNo", label: "ID"},
                {type: "input", name:"Surname", label: "Surname"},
                {type: "input", name:"Forename", label: "Forename"},
                {type: "input", name:"Other_Email", label: "Other Email"},
                {type: "input", name:"Personal_Email", label: "Personal Email"},
                {type: "input", name:"Home_Phone_No", label: "Home Phone No"},
                {type: "input", name:"Work_Phone_No", label: "Work Phone No"},
                {type: "input", name:"Mobile_Phone_No", label: "Mobile Phone No"},
                {type: "input", name:"Address_Line_1", label: "Address Line 1"},
                {type: "input", name:"Address_Line_2", label: "Address Line 2"},
                {type: "input", name:"Address_Line_3", label: "Address Line 3"},
                {type: "input", name:"Address_Line_4", label: "Address Line 4"},
                {type: "input", name:"Post_Code", label: "Post_Code"},
                {type: "input", name:"M_ID", label: "Mode ID"},
                {type: "input", name:"R_ID", label: "Route ID"},
            myForm = new dhtmlXForm("formContainer", formData);
            mydp = new dataProcessor ("resources/lib/cons/sdetails_formconnection.php?S_No=1");

And this is my connector code:

define('CONFIG_PATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/resources');
require_once (CONFIG_PATH . '/config.php');
require_once (CODEBASE_PATH . '/connector/form_connector.php');

$host = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['host'];
$dbName = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['dbname'];
$userName = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['username'];
$pwd = $dbConfig ['dbSettings']['mysql']['password'];
// get the db settings for each paramter an store each in a variable
$conn = mysql_connect($host, $userName, $pwd);
// create a new connection to the db using variables from config file
$form_conn = new FormConnector($conn, "MySQL");
// intilize the connector
$form_conn->render_table("user", "", "S_No,Surname,Forename,Other_Email,
// render the form

Does anyone know where im going wrong? probably something simple im a real noob to this :slight_smile: .

Sorry a quick update,

My code previously was not quite right I changed it so that it reads

myForm.load('resources/lib/cons/studentdetails_formconnection.php?id=1'); mydp = new dataProcessor('resources/lib/cons/sdetails_formconnection.php');

And now I get
Strict standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in C:\wamp\www\codebase\connector\base_connector.php on line 61.

Note if I change id to the orginal actual name of the primary key field I get the orginal error.

Which version of php you are using?

This message is not really a error, but information that some instructions in code conflict with php strict standards.