I am trying out the asp.net beta connector and it seems that if the select statement contains a column that contains the word “From” it ends at the column. In my case I could change the name of the column but it was kind of odd so I thought you may want to know.
Here is my code.
dhtmlxGridConnector connector = new dhtmlxGridConnector(
"SELECT EmployeeNumber, LNameFName, SkillLevel, AllocatedHours, Rate, FromBillingTask, ThruBillingTask, " +
"OverSight, InDate, OutDate, ObjectAccountFrom, ObjectAccountThru, NotToExceedDollars, NotToExceedUnits, " +
"InvoiceType, POLineNumber " +
“FROM TRatePeriodEmp WHERE ParentRatePeriodID = '” + ratePeriodID + “’”,
Problem with SQL parsing is confirmed, we will fix the issue in the next build.
Thanks for provided info.