I am evaluating the Scheduler before purchase and have few questions please:
instead of the ‘lightbox’ can I have choose to show a popup with my own iframe in order to edit the data?
can I disable inline editing on the scheduler?
Can I extend the buttons (e.g. edit/delete) to the left of an event?
Is it possible to add a context menu to on event?
If I load extra fields of information from the DB for an event, can I adapt the contents of the event with some HTML code?
Can I extend the grid view with additional fields?
when an event is edited in any way (e.g. moved to new unit/changed time) is there an event that I can validate the alteration and approve/reject - and if rejected it reverts to previous position?
There is a feature to allow multiple conflicting events. If I am using the unit view, can I allow some units to permit conflicts, and others not? (This one is really important for me!)
Thank you