Hi, is it possible to attach more than one object to a layout cell? What I want to achieve is to have these objects presented in the same layout cell one below the other. But when I attach more than one object to a layout cell, the last object is the only one shown. Thanks!
Also, just want to add that if there is a way to remove all borders of a layout cell, that’ll do as well. Thanks!
You need to use attachObject method to attach one common div with some inner divs: each one for one object, because if you call the method attachObject second time for 2th object it will rewrite the 1th one.
But you have to be ready to set resize event handler function manually.
I.e. use layout’s event handler onPanelResizeFinish to rebuild your divs to inner cell size.
You can set outer div width/height in % or px.
Oh, I’d like to leave the resizing of DHTMLX controls (i.e grid and tabbar) on my page to layout. Um… is there a way to hide borders of a layout cell then?