Attach Scheduler/timeline/otherview to tabbar/layout cell

DhxSuite 7.3pro. DhxScheduler5.3pro.
I want to attach a scheduler to a tabbar cell, and additional views’ buttons. I’ve sweeped the online docs, but most is initialized on the physical html markup.
This topic leads me to success.
Here is the whole psudo codes:
var mytabbar = new TabbarDHX(null, {
views: [{ tab: “Here is the tab”, id: “schedulerhere” }];
scheduler.locale.labels.timeline_tab = “This is my timeline button face”;
name: “timeline”,
x_unit: “minute”, // measuring unit of the X-Axis.
x_date: “%H:%i”, // date format of the X-Axis
x_step: 30, // X-Axis step in 'x_unit’s
x_size: 24, // X-Axis length specified as the total number of 'x_step’s
x_start: 16, // X-Axis offset in 'x_unit’s
x_length: 48, // number of 'x_step’s that will be scrolled at a time
y_unit: // sections of the view (titles of Y-Axis)
{ key: 1, label: “timeline section 1 (first line)” },
{ key: 2, label: “timeline section 2 (second line)” },
{ key: 3, label: “timeline section 3 (third line)” },
{ key: 4, label: “timeline section 4 (forth line)” },
{ key: 5, label: “timeline section 5 (fifth line)” },
y_property: “section_id”,
render: “bar”
// below determines the sequence of the top buttons
// header elements could be rearranged
scheduler.config.header = [

No need to run scheduler.init();

Thanks for the update!

However, scheduler.parse(data) failed, with no warning or errors.

Finally, I turned to a single page for the scheduler.