Attaching a URL to a Windows with Layout

Hi !

I wanna build a popup Window with a Layout of 2E to attach 2 different URL’s.
I can build the window with the layout but unable to attach the URL.

I didn’t found a way to attach the URL to the cell of the Layout.
What make I wrong ?

Thanks a lot

dhxWinsParams = {
image_path: “codebase/imgs/”,
wins: [{
id: “w1”,
left: 150,
top: 50,
width: 1650,
height: 900
dhxWins = new dhtmlXWindows(dhxWinsParams);
dhxWins.window(“w1”).setText(“Langzeit-Statistiken fuer Rechner “+system_name+””);
dhxWins.window(“w1”).attachURL(“”); -------> ???
w1.cells(“a”).attachURL(“”); -------> ???

Here is your approach:

layout = dhxWins.window("w1").attachLayout("2E"); layout .cells("a").attachURL(""); layout .cells("b").attachURL("http://...link_2");

You need just to name you layout.

Cool :smiley:
So easy, I’m realy stupid… :blush:
Thank you VERY MUCH for your help - it works fine

Best wishes

You are welcome :slight_smile: