Attaching dhtmlxCombo in dhtmlXLayoutObject


I have a code such as:

myLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, "2U", "dhx_skyblue");

I have attached toolbars and tree to it w/o any problem, but I don’t see a way to attach a dhtmlxCombo object. I tried attachObject() but it doesn’t work. Could you please help?


If there is a way to attach combo to the toolbar (which is already attached to the layout), that’ll be even better.



the sample with combo in toolbar - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13018

That works well, thank you!


One more question - in the following URL, I see in the 4th and 5th combo boxes, when we type a character the remaining characters are shown and selected so that the user can continue to override. For example, when ‘H’ is typed, Haiti, Honduras, and Hungary appear in the dropdown but Haiti is on top, so H appears in the combo box followed by ‘aiti’ in selected mode, so that the user can override. But when I use the same code in that page “z.enableFilteringMode(true, “”, true, true);”, the remaining characters are fully autocompleted, w/o giving the user a chance to override. I can’t also select a part of the word inside the combobox. Any suggestions? … ilter.html

Thanks for your help,


the problem is not clear. Please explain what should be do to recreate the problem and what is the desired behaviour

Yeah, I have the same problem and need the solution quick.
The nature of the problem is when you create a combo box on a simple form and user enableFilteringMode(true); everything works fine - you type in the first letter and you get a hit in the combo with the first leter NOT selected and the rest of the suggested text selected like this
allowing to type in more stuff. It’s perfect.

when combo created in toolbar with the same features when you start typing - first suggestion picked up and cursor is placed to the end of the suggested text without allowing to select combo text rendering autocomplete to be unusable.

It would be a real treat if you guys could come up with another toolbar item - combo, with all the features like regular combo.

Please some one reply to this, I ned a solution to this problem.

Please, provide us you filter dunction (code snippets with combo init).