For the past hour and a half I’ve been trying to attach a tabbar to the cell of an other tabbar. I’ve read the documentation, but can’t find what I am missing. Here’s what I have already:
First tabbar in OnLoad
mainTabBar = dhxLayout.cells("b").attachTabbar();
mainTabBar.setImagePath("/<Computed Value>/");
mainTabBar.loadXML("/<Computed Value>/xmlTabsProjectModules?openagent&NoCache="+new Date().getTime());
mainTabBar.attachEvent("onSelect", doOnMainTabSelect);
Second toolbar in doOnMainTabSelect
function doOnMainTabSelect(id, last_id)
var subTabBar= mainTabBar.cells(id).attachTabbar();
subTabBar.setImagePath("/<Computed Value>/");
subTabBar.loadXML("/<Computed Value>/xmlTabsProjectModules?openagent&Parent="+id+"&NoCache="+new Date().getTime());
This one doesn’t work. The alert shows [object] so the attachTabbar function should be working. The fields are nothing to worry about, the links work. This is the output of the loadXML:
<tab id="grondverwerving#algemeen">Algemeen</tab>
<tab id="grondverwerving#onderhandelingen">Onderhandelingen</tab>
Perhaps the XML of the second tabbar should look a litle diffrent maybe…