Auto Expand Tree Grid on page load

Can someone help me to know how to load a tree grid XML contents(parent and children) in expanded state on page load.Currently on loading the XML I need to click the (+) symbol to expanded the elements.Can I get it defaulted??

You can use “open” attribute in XML, or next code


where to specify “open” in xml.

is not working after grid load, although it works on button click or some other event.


where to specify “open” in xml.

expanded row
first column data custom image for tree cell
second column data
sub row
first column data
second column data

is not working after grid load, although it works on button click or some other event.

Please, make sure that you call expandAll() method as a callback of load() function, or in onXLE event:
grid.expandAll(); // method added to a callback of load().