due to some reason setting negative values in link.lag does not have any effect to the autoscheduling. If the value is positive autoscheduling works perfectly.
This is my link array which is parsed:
{0: Object[
{id: 45,
source: "150",
target: "167",
type: "1",
lag: "0"}]
1: Object[
{id: 69,
source: "165",
target: "166",
type: "1",
lag: "0"}]
2: Object[
{id; 71,
source: "172",
target: "173",
type: "0",
lag: "3"}]
3: Object[
{id: 72,
source: "150",
target: "151",
type: "1",
lag: "-4"}]
Unfortunately it is independend whether the lag is a string or an integer.
Every help is appreciated.