Autosize for height

I have a fixed width but I need to have an autosize for height. I’m doing the following but the “enableAutoSize” is not taken into account

<div id="a_tabbar" class="dhtmlxTabBar" tabstyle="silver" imgpath="/images/tabbar/" style="width:755px; color:#FFFFFF;" skinColors="#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF" oninit="a_tabbar.normalize(755,true); a_tabbar.setTabActive('a1'); a_tabbar.enableAutoSize(false,true);" offset="15"> ....
Any idea how I can resize the height based on the contents?
Thanks in advance for your help.

You need use not only ‘oninit’: add ‘onbeforeinit’

<div id="a_tabbar" class="dhtmlxTabBar" tabstyle="silver" imgpath="../dhtmlxTabbar/codebase/imgs/" style="width:755px; color:#FFFFFF;" skinColors="#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF" onbeforeinit="a_tabbar.enableAutoSize(true,true)" oninit="a_tabbar.normalize(755,true); a_tabbar.setTabActive('a1');" offset="15">