
We have some concerns about the autowidth features and splitting.

Basically we want to have all the columns autofit to a certain size no matter the splitindex.

We’ve tried:

setInitWidths(",,…) && enableAutoWidth(false)- This cuts off columns

,,…) && enableAutoWidth(true)- The grid doesn’t load

setInitWidths("x,,,…) && enableAutoWidth(true)- The right side has a horizontal scroll bar, even if x is very very small

,,…) && enableAutoWidth(false)- The right side has a horizontal scroll bar, even if x is very very small

setInitWidths(“x,y,z…,zz”) && enableAutoWidth(true)-Parts of the last columns are cut off. Resizing columns makes the grid smaller or larger

setInitWidths(“x,y,z…,zz”) && enableAutoWidth(false)-The columns withs are just set by me.

Please advise how to structure this grid so that the grid doesn’t change width when the column widths are changed by the user (a scrollbar is fine, just the actual grid width), the split still works, and every column including the spilt columns are autofit.

Sorry for the length, Thanks in advance,


The enableAutoWidth command not works in current version of grid with splitAt command
The oncoming update will contain fix, which will allow to use both commands in same time ( it pretty hard to isolate fix, so the best approach will be update to the next grid version )

>>so that the grid doesn’t change width when the column widths are changed by the user
This is effect of enableAutoWidth mode - if it enabled then grid will resize itself to prevent horizontal scrolling


>>Basically we want to have all the columns autofit to a certain size no matter the splitindex.
It is pretty hard to achieve such effect in split mode. During split grid must know the width of columns left to split, to detect the position of split. So the best possible approach - define width of columns in left part of split and allow autodetect in right part of split.
