Available for ASP.NET Ajax WebApp?

Hi i’d like to know if this scheduler works for ASP.NET apps that it’s not MVC app, just an web app with support for AJAX.

If yes then id like to know if you got any sample for loading data from a custom List.

Thanks in advance.

sure, dhtmlxScheduler.Net works for not-mvc applications,
the demo is attached(it uses trial version of the component)

there is also a sample for loading data from custom objects(Custom.aspx and CustomObjects.ashx).
In general you can load data from any object, the only requirements are:
1)data object should contain a few mandatory properties( such as id, start_date and end_date)
2)data object shouldn’t contain circular references, to be representable in json
dhtmlxSchedulerNet_Asp010312.zip (520 KB)

Thanks for your support.
But project you have attached is built by VS2010 and i have just VS2008.
Do you have the same project for VS2008?

thanks in advance.

Here is a version for vs2008
SchedulerNetAsp2008_030112.zip (604 KB)


Hi, i have been integrating demo version in my web app and it seems it works right…at least all the showing events.
But i got a problem, how can i export scheduler to PDF?, example from documentation doesnt work, 'cause my app is not MVC.

Thanks in advance.

what exactly causing a problem? Export functionality does not depends on project’s achitecture, it will look the same as for mvc project,
all you have to do is:
1)enable required extension


2)place control that will run export script

<input type="button" value="Print" onclick="<%= Scheduler.ToPDF("http://dhtmlxscheduler.appspot.com/export/pdf")%>" />

DHXScheduler.ToPDF(string url) - will generate js function, which will serialize calendar, and send it to the specified url. You may use online export service at appspot.com, as in the sample, or download and instal it on your server(support.dhtmlx.com/x-files/beta_ … df-net.zip)
Please note that scheduler will be serialized and sent to the server in xml, so if you’ll be using local export tool, make sure that app’s request validation settings allows to recieve xml in request’s fields

Thanks, now it works right.
But i got some problem and some doubts:

  • When i try to delete some event it doest it right into database but the event is still in the scheduler, i got to refresh page for clearing it from the scheduler, any idea about why its happennig?

  • I have add some controls to LightBox, specially textbox, but it seem too big, where can i change size of textareas?

  • Is possible set a custom .NET lighbox in an non MVC app? and if so how?

  • Last thing, i have seen in a example that you have added Remind field, is there any way for simulating this clasical funcionality from scheduler? is possible add some custom funcionality?

Thanks for your support.

Hello marianux,

1)When i try to delete some event it doest it right into database but the event is still in the scheduler, i got to refresh page for clearing it from the scheduler, any idea about why its happennig?

  • thats unusual, do you get any js erros when you delete event? what status is returned from server after delete?

2)I have add some controls to LightBox, specially textbox, but it seem too big, where can i change size of textareas?
-Lightbox controls has a Height property

LightboxText.Height = 50;

3)Is possible set a custom .NET lighbox in an non MVC app? and if so how?

  • yes, you can do it the same way as in mvc - create file with form and attach it in Scheduler’s configuration

4)Last thing, i have seen in a example that you have added Remind field, is there any way for simulating this clasical funcionality from scheduler? is possible add some custom funcionality?

  • scheduler does not supports this functionality, but you can extend it. client-side is highly customisable

Yes, it Errors Console it gets next error:

Error: scheduler.getEvent(id) is undefined
Source File: localhost:99/Scripts/dhtmlxSched … curring.js
Line: 463

From server it returns :
context.Response.Write(new AjaxSaveResponse(action));

Thanks in advance.

There must be a bug in client-side codebase,
please download the latest version

Thanks, now it works fine!

I have forgotten another question, is it possible to modify look and feel of PDF reports?

Thanks in advance

I got a problem with Recurring events for showing.

When i create a new event and i set it as recurrence event and save info it shows me in a right way info.
I save in DB value from rec_type, for example: day_1___#3 and in end_date of recurrent event in Db got the date of the day of last recurrence of the event

When i refresh page it doesnt show me recurrence events.
So If i set multi_day = true, it shows me recurrence event as multidays, and not like a recurrent event.

I create an event from Monday 26th March, from 12:40 to 14:40, recurrence info: Daily, Every 1 day, ending after 3 ocurrences.
In DB info that is saved:
star_date: 03/26/2012 12:40:00
end_date: 03/29/2012 12:40:00
rec_type: day_1___#3

I think, error is in the end_date, it should be Monday 26th March 14:40

What am i doing in a bad way?

end_date is correct, for recurring events it defines the end time of the whole serie,
while event’s duration should be stored in ‘event_length’ column.
Recurring events requires 3 additional fields:
rec_type - nvarchar
event_length - bigint
event_pid - int
have you added all of these columns to the db and model?