background color in pdf

When I set with
mygrid.setCellTextStyle(mygrid.getRowId(i),j,“background-color:#FAAFBE”); //ltPink
it does not show in a cutePDF. Is it possible to get color in the grid to show in a pdf?

Please, try to use the second attribute of the toPDF method:

However we need to produce it with cutePDF as there is other data what must be synchronous with the grid. Your components are excellent, and as Professor Tufte shows displaying information with additional coding greatly facilitates communication. Can you determine if it is a systemic issue with cuteFTP, unique to how dhtmlx represents background-color, or something else. Again we cannot just use the dhtmlxgrid itself.

Unfortunately there is no supported integration with the cutePDF. We cannot guarantee the complete correct export in case of using the third-side product.

So is export with background only possible exported with your tool, or would Adobe PDF writer work?

I recommend to use the native extension.
third-side functionalities were not tested.

Okay but that is unfortunate as it degrades the hetrogenous component model