bind dynamic combo to dhtmlx grid

hello, i am working in a dhtmlx grid which is required to bind a dhtmlx combo to a column index
where mygrid.setColTypes(“co”);
now how to load combo with xml data.pls help…

Unfortunately it’s not available to load options for “co” column from a separate xml file.
You may try to use “combo” exCell, which supports the needed feature: … cell_combo

hello ,
when grid.setColTypes("…,combo,…");
is used it is showing error" description:cofigutation ,incorrect cell type combo"

but i got the solution with
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);

for (i=0;i<x.length;i++)


when grid.setColTypes("…,combo,…");
is used it is showing error" description:cofigutation ,incorrect cell type combo"

Please, make sure that dhtmlxcombo.js, dhtmlxgrid_excell_combo.js are added to the page.
Here is the working example: … combo.html

i am using dhtmlxfull pro

Please, provide a sample of your code to reconstruct the issue.
Or open ticket at and provide a complete demo.

sending the demo pls… chk in grid.aspx .on submit button click the error comes. (798 KB)

I’m sorry but where is the init of your grid in the provided demo?

this is the complete function with myGrid.init .pls…help
function GridFunction() {
var txtVeh1 = document.getElementsByName(“txtVhecial”);
var txtVeh2 = document.getElementsByName(“txtVehical2”);
var txtDays = document.getElementsByName(“txtDays”);
var txtStartDate = document.getElementsByName(“start_date”);
// alert(txtStartDate[0].value);
var splitDate = txtStartDate[0].value.split("-");
var d2 = new Date(splitDate[0], splitDate[1], splitDate[2])

        obj11 = document.getElementsByName("txtVhecial2");
        objHotel2 = document.getElementsByName("txtHote2");

        if (obj11.length > 0) {
            var strVeh2 = "veh-2" + txtVeh2[0].value;


        mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox');

        var strGetHeaderVal;

        strGetHeaderVal = "a,#cspan,#cspan,City,";
        if (strVeh2 != null) {

            strGetHeaderVal += txtVeh1[0].value + ",#cspan," + strVeh2 + ",#cspan,";

        else {
            strGetHeaderVal += txtVeh1[0].value + ",#cspan,";

        if (objHotel2.length > 0) {
            strGetHeaderVal += "Hotel Option 1,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,Hotel Option 2,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,";

        else {
            strGetHeaderVal += "Hotel Option 1,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,";
        strGetHeaderVal += "Guide Eleph etc,Train Entr PP	,Airfare";


        var strAttachHeader = "Day,Date,Itenery,#rspan,";
      //  var strsetColType = "ro,ro,ed,ed,";
        var strsetColType = "ro,ro,ed,combo,";
        var strattachFooter = "Total quantity,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,";
        var strattachFooter2 = "computed,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,";
        var strSecId = 0;
        // alert(strAttachHeader);
        if (strVeh2 != null) {
            noOfVeh = 2;

            for (var noCOL = 0; noCOL < 2; noCOL++) {
                strAttachHeader += "Transfer,Sight-seeing,";
                strsetColType += "ed,ed,";
                var getVhId = "vh_" + strSecId;
                // alert(getVhId);
                strattachFooter += "<div id='vh_" + strSecId + "'>0</div>,";
                strattachFooter2 += "<div id='Comvh_" + strSecId + "'>0</div>,";
                var strSecId = strSecId + 1;
                strattachFooter += "<div id='vh_" + strSecId + "'>0</div>,"
                strattachFooter2 += "<div id='Comvh_" + strSecId + "'>0</div>,";


        else {
            var getVhId = "vh_" + strSecId;
            //  alert(getVhId);
            strAttachHeader += "Transfer,Sight-seeing,";
            strsetColType += "ed,ed,";
            strattachFooter += "<div id='vh_" + strSecId + "'>0</div>,";
            strattachFooter2 += "<div id='Comvh_" + strSecId + "'>0</div>,";
            var strSecId = strSecId + 1;
            strattachFooter += "<div id='vh_" + strSecId + "'>0</div>,"
            strattachFooter2 += "<div id='Comvh_" + strSecId + "'>0</div>,";
            // strSecId++;


        var strHotelOption = 0;
        if (objHotel2.length > 0) {

            for (var noCOL = 0; noCOL < 2; noCOL++) {
                strAttachHeader += "Hotel Name,Meal Plan,SGL,DBL,PP Meal,";
                strsetColType += "ed,ed,ed,ed,ed,";

                for (var nohCOL = 0; nohCOL < 5; nohCOL++) {

                    strattachFooter += "<div id='ho_" + strHotelOption + "'>0</div>,"
                    strattachFooter2 += "<div id='Comhotel_" + strHotelOption + "'>0</div>,";


        else {
            strAttachHeader += "Hotel Name,Meal Plan,SGL,DBL,PP Meal,";
            strsetColType += "ed,ed,ed,ed,ed,";
            for (var nohCOL = 0; nohCOL < 5; nohCOL++) {

                strattachFooter += "<div id='ho_" + strHotelOption + "'>0</div>,"
                strattachFooter2 += "<div id='Comhotel_" + strHotelOption + "'>0</div>,";

        strAttachHeader += "#rspan,#rspan,#rspan";

        strsetColType += "ed,ed,ed";
        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            strattachFooter += "<div id='constantCal_" + i + "'>0</div>,";
            strattachFooter2 += "<div id='ComconstantCal_" + i + "'>0</div>,";

        strattachFooter += ["text-align:left;"];
        strattachFooter2 += ["text-align:left;"];

        //  alert(strAttachHeader);

combo = mygrid.getColumnCombo(3);



        var date = new Date(splitDate[0], splitDate[1], splitDate[2]);

        var dd = date.getDate();

        for (var i = 0; i < txtDays[0].value; i++) {

            date.setDate(dd + i);

            mygrid.addRow(i, [i, date.toDateString(), "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"], i);

        myDataProcessor = new dataProcessor("../griddatahandler.ashx?hdn_key=update-enquiry");
        //         //lock feed url;
        myDataProcessor.setTransactionMode("POST", true);
        //         //set mode as send-all-by-post;
        //         //disable auto-update;
      [b]  myDataProcessor.init(mygrid);[/b]
        mygrid.attachEvent("onEditCell", calculateFooterValues);

Such error (“Error type: configuration, description:incorrect cell type combo”) may occur if the required js files are not added to the page. In your “dhtmlx.js” there is no “dhtmlxgrid_excell_combo.js”. Please, add the needed file. You can find in the “dhtmlxGrid/codebase/excells” directory.

thank u sooo much it is working now as i was missing the file in the pro. but auto complete is yet not working and it is filtering only the first letter

actually u were absolutely correct that in pro ver a file was missing.thanks a ton 4 that.but the filter is only filtering the first alphabet like for o if 1000 records r there showing all not able to enter second alphabet pls help…

Unfortunately the issue cannot be reconstructed locally.
Please, have a look at the working sample: … combo.html

If issue still occurs - please, open ticket at and provide a demo link or a complete demo where the issue can be reconstructed.

hi ,
sending u the demo pls help
Demo for GridfComboTest.rar (736 KB)

g8 support boss,its now working awesome.thank u vvvvvvvvvvvvvv much for support