Blank text in #combo_filter when using attachHeader

Dear members,

I use mygrid.attachHeader("#combo_filter");
It works great!

Just a little detail, the first line gives a blank select option.
How to change that blank option to: “All” ?
Because in fact we’re showing all data on grid.

Thanks in advance!


It can be done only with code modifications. In the dhtmlxgrid_filter.js file:

dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._loadComboOptins=function(t,c){ ... t.combo.addOption(""," "); }

Replace with:


Hey Olga,

Thanks again!
It works for 50%, the text “all” is now given in the combo_filter, but only in the scrolldown box.
Is it also possible to set the header text to “all”?
Because when the page is loaded, all data is visible, so i would like to show the header text to show: “all”

Tried already some code modifications but can’t get it done.
Thanks for any help in advance,
