Browser Javascript times out when loading 150+ tasks


Did anybody encountered a problem when loading more then 150 tasks with the browser javascript giving out a timeout error?

I have managed to find out the timeout occurs in the GanttChart.prototype.createTasks = function (project) { function. The problem is suppose to be solved by using setTimeout( SOMETHING, 25) function but this only delays the script and everything else continues to run. It eventually goes to create something else without having all the processed data resulting in an error.

Did anybody managed to load more tasks with a different approach?

If you have a lot of tasks, please use XML loading. But even with JS it is strange, please send your sample to support. We will review and respond.

We are having a similar problem when using javascript loading. With a lot of tasks, we are seeing significant slowdowns. Performance seems to decrease exponentially as we linearly increase the number of tasks. XML loading doesn’t meaningfully decrease the performance loss. The very interesting part about all of this, though, is that performance in Chrome is leaps and bounds better than performance in IE and FireFox.