BUG - Calendar day - view month - missing day...


Hello everyone! I´m accessing your sample link, dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxS … mple.shtml and happened the same error that we already found into our application.

We attached the picture, look that the day 20 is missing. This happens only with firefox and IE, could you check the reason?

URL source: nazzaren.com/images/BUG.jpg

Your development team could check with more browsers options using this great service: browserstack.com

Hope this problem will be solved soon, we will be waiting your answer.


The issue may be related to the DST shift.
What is your timezone?

Our timezone is UTC/GMT -3 hours

Here: timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=652

So, could you help me?


Please try to use the attached dhtmlxscheduler.js instead of the original one.
( the problem is - we can’t recreate the issue, changing timezone from our side doesn’t trigger it, so I’m not quite sure will fix solve issue or not )
dhtmlxscheduler.tz.fix.zip (45 KB)