BUG: DHTMLX Todo List?

Hello, here is my code snippet DHTMLX Snippet Tool

in case if the todo list is located at the bottom of the page, and have to go to the bottom. Then, in this case, when ever you click on three dots, the menu appears and then quickly disappears. Actually, this menu gets shifted to the top view (bottom part of the top view). Please, check the attached video link for demo.


Thank you for your report.
The problem was confirmed. We’ll try to fix it in the future updates.

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This issue is yet to be fixed @sematik in version 1.2.0 as well

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Good day @dhtmlxuser ,

There has been menu improvements with the new version.

Here is a fixed example: DHTMLX Snippet Tool .

However, the main problem was not in the component, but in the styles in the example itself (coming from the styles of our snippet tool environment). Height: 100% was applied to the html which did not allow the body to expand.

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