BUG: Grid editor type combobox

If you have defined an cellMouseOver event and inside the event u apply some row css style and the cell is editable with editortype = combobox, when a new value is selected the dropdown doesn’t get closed and behaves ‘weird’ (it kind of gets closed but then appears again).

Here is my example:

this.grid.events.on('cellMouseOver', (row: IRow, col: ICol, e) => {
      if (this.previouslyHoveredRow) {
        if (this.previouslyHoveredRow.id !== row.id) {
          this.grid.removeRowCss(this.previouslyHoveredRow.id, 'hovered');

      this.grid.addRowCss(row.id, 'hovered');
      this.previouslyHoveredRow = row;

The reason i am doing this is because when u use split functionality, with pure css it is challenging to make a hover effect on both grids (left and right).

Hello Nikolai.

I can see the problem. For now I can suggest you to check if the editor is opened and prevent the class applying logic to perform. Like:

this.grid.events.on('cellMouseOver', (row: IRow, col: ICol, e) => {
    if (document.querySelector(".dhx_cell-editor__combobox"))
        return true