Bug: Thrown object errors

Sometimes, I throw an object that has some extra information.
For example:

throw {
  error: "A description of the issue",
  error_stack: new Error().stack,

Unfortunately, dhtmlx throws errors like this:

function dhxError(msg) {
  throw new Error(msg);

This makes thrown objects look like this:

Error: [object Object]
at Object.dhxError (http://dmte8.dmte.local:86/.lib/dhtmlx-suite/codebase/suite.js?v=7.0.13:2318:11)
at DataCollection. (http://dmte8.dmte.local:86/.lib/dhtmlx-suite/codebase/suite.js?v=7.0.13:5801:27)
at http://dmte8.dmte.local:86/.lib/dhtmlx-suite/codebase/suite.js?v=7.0.13:469:79
at Array.map ()
at EventSystem.fire (http://dmte8.dmte.local:86/.lib/dhtmlx-suite/codebase/suite.js?v=7.0.13:469:42)
at http://dmte8.dmte.local:86/.lib/dhtmlx-suite/codebase/suite.js?v=7.0.13:13407:34

Instead, perhaps it could check what it is getting like this:

function dhxError(msg) {
    throw (typeof msg == "string") ? new Error(msg) : msg;

Could you please, provide a more detailed code snippet, or a sample, where the problem could be reconstructed locally.

My particular issue is that the server is sending an object as the response.
Here’s a way that I found to mimic the issue without actually using data.load:

const dataset = new dhx.DataCollection();
dataset.parse([{id: 1}, {id: 2}]);
dataset.events.fire("loaderror", [{
  error: "A description of the issue",
  error_stack: new Error().stack,
  important_variable_1: 1,
  important_variable_2: 2,