Bug while using minical & timeshift with SAFARI


I am building a custom web-app using dhtmlxscheduler.
Everything is going just fine… Except wit SAFARI!

I have a minical for navigation. I have customized it to allow months / year shift.
To do so I have created divs with fwd / bwd arrows inserted into divs.
I launch a call to a function thanks to the ‘onclick’ event when user click on the arrow…

The arrow is defined like this:

<div class="monthnavnext" onclick="timeshift(1,'month');">&gt;</div>

The timeshift function is:

function timeshift(qty,timescale) {
    var madate = $$('.dhx_mini_calendar')[0].readAttribute('date'); 
    scheduler.updateCalendar(calendar, scheduler.date.add(madate, qty, timescale));

You can check everything by yourself here:
login: greg
pwd: greg

After login, go to planning Tab. Then use the minical arrows to navigate with firefox/chrome and then Safari.

Any help would be VERY appreciated as I feel now totally lost… I’ve been searching for hours now…



Update: Sorry, I’ve made a confusion.
Login: admin
Pwd: admin

Thanks :smiley:


Convert ‘madate’ to date object first before adding another month.

Best regards,


Thanks for the answer.
Bug is fixed.