Hi guys,
Is there any built in function to check whether the xgrid is completely loaded or not in dhtmlxgrid api.
Hi guys,
Is there any built in function to check whether the xgrid is completely loaded or not in dhtmlxgrid api.
You may try to use onXLE event:
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … vent_onxle
Also you may add a needed code as a callback of a load() method:
mygrid.load(“data.xml”, function(){
// any custom code. It will be executed only after the data is loaded
Is it possible to pass arguments to the callback function?
e.g. If I want to pass a reference to the layout cell for which progress indicator should be switched off.
You may switch off the layout’s progress indicator as a callback of load function:
mygrid.load("data.xml", function(){