I am having custom field section on Lightbox. In that section i am having button, onclick of button i need to open new window on top. For this i am using dhtmlxwindow. But the problem is window opens in background and since lightbox is modal not able to get into new window.
Following is code for opening new window on button click.
dhxWins = new dhtmlXWindows();
var stWid = screen.availWidth-50;
var stHeigh = screen.availHeight-50;
var win = dhxWins.createWindow(‘ID’, 0, 0, stWid, stHeigh);
win.setText(“Incident Details Module”);
document.title = “IIM: Incident Details”;
dhxWins.window(‘ID’).attachURL(“newIncidentDetailsModulePagect.aspx?IncidentNo=” + document.getElementById(“txtIncidentId”).value + “”);
Please suggest how can i have new window on top from lightbox. Thanks in advance.