By default the combo list drop downward

Topic: dhtmlxCombo
Question: Dear Sir, first of all I want to thank you very much for your quick reply to my previous question. I have another one. By default the combo list drop downward (it is drop-down menu). Is there any way for the list to drop upward? I use many drop-down lists (select elements) on my page, and few of them they are at the bottom of this page. When I click on the select field, the combo list is nearly hidden at the bottom (not all the items on the list are fully visible). I have to scroll down a little for them to show up. So it would be better it the combo list drop upward in some cases. Can I define this behaviour somewhere?
Yours sincerely,
Marcel Golias

Is there any way for the list to drop upward?
Can be done in next way

var combo = new dhtmlXCombo(…

Also, in latest version you can try to use
combo.enableOptionAutoPositioning(true); // ext/dhxtmlxcombo_whp.js required
in such mode, combo will try to detect the best position for combo list ( top or bottom ) automatically.