CakePHP database connection problem

Can anybody explain exactly what the parameter grid_data passed to the loadXML() function does in the CakePHP Tutorial? I assume that it is supposed to invoke the grid_data action of the EventController object ( as defined in EventController.php).

For some reason, even though I’m pretty sure I’ve set up all the right files in the right places, and although I can get the grid to display correctly, it is not showing any data from the table. The database is connecting OK, and log.txt shows no errors.

mygrid.loadXML("./grid_data"); //refers to the 'grid_data' action we have created in the previous step var dp = new dataProcessor("./grid_data"); //refers to the 'Grid_data' action as well

I have followed the tutorial: [url]Start DHTMLX Docs

that it is supposed to invoke the grid_data action of the EventController object
Yes, you are right.
If you have not changed anything in routes configuration, the action must be called, and result of it response must be used as a data for the component.

Try to use Chrome debug tools of Firebug - both tools can show all calls to the server side and response’s content.

Thanks Stanislav. It must have been a path issue. Actually, I’ve moved over to Yii now, and everything is working.
Thanks for your help