Calendar and function split of Grid


I have a problem with a function split with a calendar.

When I use the calendar in a cell of first grid in a split grid. The calendar opens correctly, however when one clicks on a date, the calendar don’t close. If I click outside the grid, the calendar close good and the cell is updated.

If I remove the Split function or that the date is in the 2�me table of Split, the calendar functions correctly.

Already found this problem? Do you have a solution? I have a version 1.4 of DhtmlxGrid.

        var z=document.createElement(“DIV”);


        window._grid_calendarA=new dhtmlxCalendarObject(z,false, {isYearEditable :true} );


        _grid_calendarA.setYearsRange(1900, 2100);





        var sgrid=this.grid;




            return true;


The return functions well without the Split function.

Thank you.


Please try to use latest version of calendar excell it must resolve issue
If problem still occurs for you - please send any kind of sample where problem can be reconstructed. (1.1 KB)