Calendar doesn’t work in version 4.0
For example try: … olbar.html
Could you please provide some details about the issue ?
Correction and additional information.
I run Win 8.1 Pro
The test is if the calendar pops-up when clicking on the input filed in: … olbar.html
But other cases of the Calendar init are similar.
This actually does work in IE 11.0.9600.17107
It does not work in in Chrome 35.0.1916.114m
In my own application where I control the dhtmlx suite version this does work fine in similar configurations in Chrome V3.6, but not in my dev environment using V4.0
IE works fine in both cases.
Sorry for not providing more detailed info from the get-go.
Thank you for details.
We have tested the demo in the same Chrome version running Win 8.0. The sample as well other “input” samples ( like … input.html) displays calendar on click in input.
Please make sure that there are no plug-ins that can block event listening on a page.
I have all extensions in Chrome disabled.
Please see attached screenshot. Events do fire; but no calendar pop-up.
we have checked the demo in Chrome on different machines running Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 - the demo working in all cases. I have attached the screenshot.
I have all extensions in Chrome disabled.
We do not have other ideas why such a problem may occur … (97.3 KB)
I did more digging; my laptop has a touch screen; and when I use the touchscreen to click the input the calendar does pop up
When clicking the input field with the mouse only there are two events fired: mousedown and click.
When I touch the input through the screen there are three events fired; touchstart, mousedown, and click. And then the calendar pops up.
Hopefully this additional information helps you. Thanks!
thanks for digging
toolbar’s logic the foloowing:
if (is_touch_device) {
input.ontouchstart = function(){}
} else {
input.onclick = function(){}
we will add fix into lib
Please provide a date to help me schedule.
BTW; I turned the USB pointing device for my display off as a work around.
Sorry for delay. We have replied in Members’ Support.
I would appreciate an update.
Our company is starting to role out more laptops with touch screen; and the calendar not working properly in that case is becoming a bigger issue
I attached a demo to member support
Anyone have the solution to this problem?
I made a support ticket, but I don’t have an answer for 2 weeks.
Thank you
Hello, drenaud
We replied on the ticket to Didier
Thank you for the version you sent me by the support, it works well on my touch-screen computer with Chrome.
You are welcome!