Calendar not close/hide by clicking outside calendar


I have a button which on-click event generate a calendar. Select a date in the calendar will have the calendar close. I want to make the calendar close/hide if I click outside the calendar.

I tried

mCal = new dhtmlxCalendarObject('calInput1'); 

bit it does not show the calendar. I think it close immediately after it shows.

I am using calendar v3.0

Thanks for helps.


if “calInput1” is an input id, the calendar will be closed automatically on click. However, if html container has onclick event handler with cancelled bubbling, body event listener won’t detect this event.

I want to make the calendar close/hide if I click outside the calendar.

Yes, dhtmlxEvent(document.body,“click”,function(){mCal.hide();}); will close the calendar right after it’s opened.

Did you mean ‘on click’ as select a date from calendar or click outside calendar ?

At the time being, the calendar only closes when I select a date. Clicking outside calendar does not close it. Is there a working solution to this ?


Did you mean ‘on click’ as select a date from calendar or click outside calendar ?

Any click. Please check the sample dhtmlxCalendar/samples/01_init_and_usage/01_attach_to_input.html

At the time being, the calendar only closes when I select a date. Clicking outside calendar does not close it. Is there a working solution to this ?

If you’ve clicked on an element with own onclick event handler that blocks listening event by parent elements, such a problem may occur.

Hi All,

First declare a variable

var calshow = false;

when you show the calender
make calshow = true;


then write this code to close the calender
document.onclick = function hidecal2 () {
if (!calshow)
calshow = false;

on escape key press

document.onkeypress = function hidecal1 () {
if (event.keyCode==27)

here i have given sample code… example

Html code
