Calendar- Not displayed


i have configured a column as calendar in XML as To date

And the cell value is : 14/12/2007

While the XML is rendered and i click on the cell , it throws an error.

Error is::





“);document.write(”");function eXcell_calendar(cell){try{this.cell = cell;this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid;}catch(er){};this.edit = function(){if (!window._grid_calendar)_grid_calendar_init();var arPos = this.grid.getPosition(this.cell);var pval=this._date2str2(this.cell.val||new Date());window._grid_calendar.render(arPos[0],arPos[1]+this.cell.offsetHeight,this,pval);var zFunc=function(e){(e||event).cancelBubble=true;};dhtmlxEvent(window._grid_calendar.table.parentNode.parentNode,“click”,zFunc);this.cell._cediton=true;this.val=this.cell.val;};this.getValue = function(){if (this.cell.val)return this._date2str2(this.cell.val);return this.cell.innerHTML.toString()._dhx_trim()"


object expected!! (marked as bold)

These are the files i have included in my page(Yahoo API used for some other purpose)



Also the on the screen the date is displayed wrongly as 02/12/2008.

it’ll be really helpful if you can throw some light on this. Thank you.


Which calendar excell you plan to use ?
If you are using “dhxCalendar” you need not


If you are using “calendar” you need to set paths to other calendar related files


Please reffer to related sample