calendar not showing

I’m running:
PHP Version: 5.2.17
WordPress Version: 3.5.1
Version 3.0 |Scheduler By DHTMLX LTD

I made my adjustments:

Show blog posts as events: OFF

Where should this be linked to? “Link to the Scheduler”

Access rights: VIEW Private mode: OFF
Everything else i left as default

Thanks for your help

Where should this be linked to? “Link to the Scheduler”

Just place the next text on the target page


It will be rendered as scheduler control while visiting the page

I’m having trouble getting my scheduler to show as well.
6400coach I look at the calendar on your site. ist that the DHTMLXscheduler?

I activated the plugin with wordpress and I place the short code [[scheduler_plugin]] on the page I would like it to be viewed on but all i’m getting is an empty box. How do I get the calendar to show?

And once I do. Is there a way I can edit the calendar on that webpage and not in the wordpress dashboard? Like the demo at … nits.shtml

Thanks for your help

Have you guys figured this out yet? I am having the exact same problem.
Installed DHTMLX scheduler v3 on top of a fresh install of Wordpress 3.3.1

I fixed the first set of errors with the change to the admin.php on line 2 to the following:

I also configured options and input width and height, etc.

The calendar does not display on the site. :blush:

When I view source on the ‘scheduler’ page with the [[scheduler_plugin]] tag, it appears to be loading the .js files and instantiate the dhtmlx scheduler, but nothing appears in the browser.

Can anyone shed some light on the subject? I would really appreciate it. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I should also add that I am seeing an error in my Chrome JS console:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;

It is referencing line 81. I am going to do some digging into this, but can anyone help point me to where the problem is within the several referenced JS files on line 81?