Hello Juan,
Do you mean that the datepicker is not displayed, when you use the date inline editor like in the following snippet? http://snippet.dhtmlx.com/3ccedb475
If yes, that is the expected behavior, because Gantt uses the HTML5 date input element:
So, it depends on the browser to show the datepicker. As you can see, Safari doesn’t support that element, so it doesn’t show the datepicker:
But, yes, you can use the DHTMLX Datepicker. Unfortunately, there is a bug with that component in Gantt 6.2.0: the inline editor is closed when you try to set the value in the DHTMLX Datepicker. But if you have an older version, it should work correctly. I cannot give you any ETA, but I will notify you when the bug is fixed.
Here is an example of how it might work in the old Gantt version: https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/248115f40
Hello Juan,
Unfortunately, I couldn’t reproduce the issue. Does it happen with the latest Safari version? Do you get the error message immediately after you open the snippet?
If not, could you record a video or give me the steps to reproduce the issue?
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