Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to save the calendar in PDF? Thank you for your help.
I’ve a little problem. A warnnig apear : “scheduler.toPDF is not a function”
Sorry for the double post, I changed the link because they were not correct. But I have another problem, the page of the PDF does not load. When I click on the button to save a page opens but does not charge anything. Thank you for your help.
Check that path to generate.php is valid ( you need to download separate package, mentioned in blod, and provide path to it, as part of toPDF command )
If problem still occurs, try to generate debug output , as it described at
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … _reporting
I watched the link and it is correct. By cons I do not see the debug variable in the file generate.php.
Okay. Now i can generate a php file with the month view, but not with the other view ! I don’t know what is the problem .
Try to enable debug mode and provide report xml file, which will be generated ( be sure that folder has a write permission )
I don’t understand, because the month view can generate the pdf file, but not the other view, and i don’t used an xml file. I think the problem come from the function scheduler.topdf. In this function the monht view was only declared.
Hello, I changed the file generate.php with yours, but I am missing two files:
Hello, I have a problem when the transcript of the calendar in pdf. I put a picture that you realize. I remove the html tag.
Current version will not apply any styling to the text, so the best what can be done - you can remove html tags from output , by using
$scPDF->strip_tags = true;
Thank you for your help, I have another problem, when I add the “jump to” with “dhtmlxscheduler_active_links.js” pdf transcribes the span tag. It is there a way to remove this annoyance?
Actually strip_tags flag, mentioned above, must clear those gunk as well.
You may need to update codebase with latest one, to achieve desired effect
Latest codebase can be taken from
this is my problem:
preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled at offset 1…
Hi, I installed the new files, but my problem persists. Html tags from headers events are always displayed in the pdf. Do you have a solution?
We will investigate issue and contact you when solution will be available.
Okay thanks.
do you have any idea?