Calendar with date picker

Hi All,

  1. I want to design the calendar as attached picture.
    When user click on the date picker icon then only calendar will open.
    and it will not open when user click on text field.

In an example, the above can be done like,
var myCalendar ;
function doOnLoad() {
myCalendar = new dhtmlXCalendarObject([“calendar”, “calendar1”, “calendar2”]);
but i don’t know how many calendar filed are present in the form. it may more then 10.
so is there is any generic method to initialize the calendar object.

  1. In case of updatebale list page is there is any coltype which will satisfy my above criteria.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi All,

Any suggestion for the above issue.

Thanks & Regards,


dhtmlXCalendarObject([“calendar”, “calendar1”, “calendar2”]);

Calendar will appear when you click on inputs, not datapicker images.

If you want to open calendar when the image clicked, you need to initilize it in div. And call show() method on click. There is also setPosition(x,y) method that allows to set the new calendar position.

Hi Alexandra,

dhtmlXCalendarObject([“calendar”, “calendar1”, “calendar2”]);

i want to create the calendar object once and it will use for all the text field.
because i don’t know how many number of date picker is required for a page and also textfield’s id are also unknown for me.
because page is generating dynamically.

any other suggestion.

  1. I don’t want to show calendar when user will click on text field.
    Calendar will only open when user click on date picker image.

Thanks & Regards,


the solutions remain the same as I’ve already provided. You may use one calendar that is shown in different positions (setPosition method) when you click an image.

Hi All,

Please go through the below code and suggest is this the right way to get the solution of the above problem.

Some time i gets js error.

Thanks & Regards,


Hi All,

Please help me to come out of the below problem.

Thanks & Regards,


the code that you have send attaches calendar to input. That doesn’t fit in your case.

However, we have found a problem with setPosition method. We’ll send the fix when its ready.

Hi Alexandra,

Thank you, I am waiting for you reply.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi Alexandra,

Can you send me the fixed file.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi Abhi,

the fix is attached here:
